
This is a birthday gift for my sister. I want a picture of her with her 3 dogs! Maybe with the things she likes, and each of the dogs’ favourite things/personality traits. Kirsty (sister): loves books, running, swimming, biking. Olive (Italian Greyhound): loves tennis balls and sleeping. Blossom (cutest mutt): loves running, human food. Troy (white & tan Whippet): likes biting strangers (?), his squeaky pig toy, (he’s really dumb but pretty…not sure what else?). Maybe with Emmarentia dog park as setting, or a park/plant-y place. Let me know if you need any other details, but I guess all those dogs and my sister is enough content 🙂 The ‘permission to post and share’ dropdown isn’t working but her bday is 9 June, so anytime after that is ok to share! Thanks 😀

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