Hi Anja, I would love an anniversary portrait of my boyfriend and I. We have been dating for three years this September. We are moving to Madrid at the end of September, and I would love to put this in our apartment. Some Icon references: 1. Table Mountain: We met in Cape Town, so I feel this is important. 2. Pizza: Alvaro, my boyfriend loves NY Pizza Slice and will find any excuse to eat it. 3. Gardening: We have a small garden box with tomatoes, jalapenos and various veggies. He’s very particular about it and really enjoys potting around with the various plants. So some greenery would be cool. 4. I’m a filmmaker, so anything cliche icons related to that would be rad. 5. An aeroplane: My feeling is that our lives are going to involve a lot of travelling. 6. Koalas. I once made a meme comparing his face to a happy Koala (so corny, I know) but now we have a running joke about it. Many a WhatsApp message is ended with Koala emoticon. Personality/Dress-code references: 1. Alvaro’s stock standard outfit: A shirt, jeans, glasses and a beard. 2. My outfit: This varies, but I always wear my hair down.