Hi Nana, This is a gift/shoutout for two special peeps in Ireland. I moved there right before the pandemic, and they made a lot of effort to make Ireland feel like home. I’m going back to Ireland on the 13th of November and thought this would be the best gift from SA! The piece is mostly about them, but I would like to include one or two memories of my own. Meet James and Brad, Two South Africans living in Ireland. James is both a creative director and creative unicorn, drinks many coffees by day and whiskeys by night. He enjoys longboarding and playing PlayStation on weekends. Brad owns a salon and appreciates vintage cars. He has a drone and is dreaming up a 5 -star camper van (which James refuses to acknowledge as camping is not his thing.) They have an old VW Volla for leisurely drives around town. If the Volla could feature that would be cool – but if I have to choose, I would much rather include a camper van as this is a bit of a personal joke. They recently got a white hamster named Donut. I think that could be a cool element – a hamster in or with a donut. But not married to any specific idea. They also had a hamster named Chewy who passed on almost 4 years ago right before they moved to Dublin. (I don’t have photos of Donut so have just included references). It would be amazing if both Donut and Chewy could feature – but it is fine if there is only room for Donut. I found one photo of Chewy (light brown with a dark stripe) and then also found a reference of a hamster on a swing, maybe an idea to show Chewy in the heavens or something. They sent me a Weber as a housewarming gift when I moved to Dublin – if there is room for that that would be great. We also went for a few day trips to Wicklow mountains during the less restrictive lockdowns. I’ve included a picture for a background perhaps. In terms of priority: -Obvs – James and Brad -Donut (with a donut) and Chewy -Camper van -Weber -Volla if it will work with the rest but doesn’t need to feature I’ve included reference for everything mentioned and a few random items that you can include if you think it will work. They are huge sci-fi fans so I think it’s safe to say – you can go wild.