— Christmas deadline approved by Nanna — Hey Nanna! Thanks so much in advance. Please can you draw my family: my dad (Willie), mom (Ria), sister (Nina), me (Ingrid), brother (Alex), big bro dog (Morris), baby sister dog (Frida), and cat (Max, who is really the king of the family). I’ve included some pictures of our favourite place, Sandbaai, where my dad has been going since he was a little boy: please can you draw us against that coastline? In the whole family pic we’re all wearing matching t-shirts made for us for Christmas by my sister – would be cool if we’re all wearing those t-shirts in the drawing. Otherwise, I’m pretty easy. Some info about us that you can draw from if you like: – Mom is an organic veg farmer and is super passionate about indigenous plants. – Dad is an avid jogger and a news-aholic – he is always reading something on his phone or a newspaper. – Sister is super active – she rock climbs, sails, runs, bikes, skis, fixes things, and loves a good g&t and a sunset. – Brother loves music and rock climbing – always making or listening to music and always dusty from climbing chalk. – I am a Grade 7 teacher and viola player. I love Maths, books, and people. The pets go everywhere with us – Max the cat even comes to Sandbaai for long Christmas holidays and likes to look regal on the rocks. More practically – I’ve put A5 b&w because I like the idea of it being a small thing, but if you feel we’d be better represented on A4 and in colour because there are so many members of the family/ background is too detailed, then go ahead. Artistic license! Thanks and let me know if you need any more info :)! Ingrid