
Hi! I was recommended to you by a friend from Cape Town who you may know? Marieke Merts. She was helping me search for someone to make a completely unique piece of art that we could then use as an e-vite to our wedding (if this is allowed of course). We would love to send this out digitally to our guests, please let me know if this is possible. Moving on to the brief, my fiance Max and I have been together for 8 years. We met in Busan, South Korea where we both lived for 1-2 years. For this reason, we thought it might be cool if the background of the artwork could be South Korea-inspired (attached photos for reference Maxju 10, 11, 12). I really love the image in picture 12 with the signs, criss-crossing wires, total chaos. But I also love the mixture of nature and city that comes in image 10. You could feel free to have creative license there! A little more about us and potential other tid-bits for the artwork: We currently live in Munich, so a nod to the city could also be nice (2 clinking Mass beers, a little pretzel?, etc). We got engaged during a sunset on a beach in Portugal during which Max hired a local musician to play songs – the most memorable was “my girl”. We’ve lived in 7 countries together and traveled to 19 more- to sum it up: we love a beach, we love a beer, and the best part of every vacation is the opportunity to try new food. More specifics about the artwork: I would love to have our last name on there (such as in your example of the “Van Cokes”?). Our last name is (or will be) Schiele. I don’t know if it is possible but it would also be great if we could have something that shows its an invitation? Like “you’re invited”? Or “Save the Date” depending on when the artwork would be done? If you want to speak more about it, feel free to message me on instagram. I hope I added enough pictures (haha), but please let me know if you need anything more.

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