It’s me guys! (and Anja – I really don’t mind when you get this done by – not urgent). So as I said, it’s the family. Me, my folks, my sister Jo and her husband Justin. And our 3 cats (Morgan and ‘da babies’, as we call them) and Jo and Justin’s fur child – Digit (aka, Digit, the Digital dog from the future). These are things that sum up our fam: 1. Joburg (we all love it, Jo started the walking tours of the city) 2. Newspapers, books and mags (I work on the Financial Mail, Sunday Times etc but we all read a LOT and love media). 3. Graffiti. That’s my sister’s speciality 4. Stationery Engines (well, that’s my dad’s weird hobby – google it – I think he loves them more than us) 5. Flowers, fabric, art, food (too much of all of them going on in this neck of the woods) 6. Oh and my mom is Scottish originally, so like, there’s tartan, which might be fun. Take it, don’t take it. I have bombed you with images of us. And badly named ones of the cats. Sorry. x