
Two of our best friends, Pam & Erem are getting (re)married with a real big bash as they had to do an ‘elopement’ wedding before they left for work in Dubai 3 years ago. If you could please draw them front and center cheers’ing with champagne and please make wedding bands visible on their ring fingers. Erem always dresses in all black and doesn’t smile with his teeth unless forced (like Chandler), please draw him with stubble as he’s very proud he can finally grow it haha. If possible please draw a rolled up You magazine with a fork sticking out in his one hand (personal joke but he used that to blow up our mosquito zapper once) Pam always has a big, warm, inviting smile on her face and her hair is straight and most often down but tucked behind her ears. She dresses very classic – strappy shirts/dresses If you could please draw Dubai and Cape Town merging/clashing behind them – Table Mountain/Cape Town/sea on one side. Wales for Erem who grew up in Hermanus in the sea if possible, and perhaps somesort of ‘boerewors’ curtain reference for Pam who grew up in Durbanville. Dubai on other side – Burj Khalifa building/sand dunes/camels. Maybe their cats on either side too – Peanut (ginger) on CT side and Potato (silly tongue and grin as he is missing so many teeth) and Spice (petite) on the Dubai (if cats are too much they don’t have to be in, would rather the detail be in the background) Other possible bits – Pam loves baking and Erem is a car fanatic, he currently drives a Golf R

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